Vulnerability is not Weakness but it is Strength
Seven Craig Semones II - PCA-Intern

May 21, 2018

Every day you get out of bed you enter into a new day filled with new possibilities. To face these new possibilities, it takes us having to walk into new uncharted territory. There is nothing familiar, nothing secure and we are having to rely totally on our ability to be vulnerable, flexible and teachable. We try so hard to hide our vulnerability because we are scared to expose our weakness. Is it really a weakness?

According to Dr. Brene’ Brown research professor at the University of Houston she defines vulnerability as uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. There is a discomfort to being vulnerable but being vulnerable takes such strength. It takes being vulnerable to love someone but in love you have to risk losing it. It takes being vulnerable in friendships because you are risking the possibility of the friendship not working out. You have to be vulnerable in creating new things when you are a entrepreneur because you are creating something that has never been made before and there is never a clear understanding of how it will be perceived. Yes, vulnerability comes with great risk, uncertainty and you have to be emotionally invested. As Dr. Brown says, “When you shut down vulnerability, you shut down opportunity.” If you want an opportunity no matter what it maybe you have to lean into it with vulnerability. Please don’t walk around thinking that you are weak when you are vulnerable because it takes so much strength to be vulnerable.

If you find yourself missing out on opportunities because you have a hard time embracing your vulnerability. Please do not wait one more day to lean into your greatest strength, “vulnerability”. Dr. Brene’ Brown says, "Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people might see or think. When we’re fueled by the fear of what other people think or that gremlin that’s constantly whispering “You’re not good enough” in our ear, it’s tough to show up. We end up hustling for our worthiness rather than standing in it”. If you would like one of our wonderful providers to come along side you to help walk with you as you learn to walk in your vulnerability. Please call Palmetto Counseling Associates. We will find the right provider that can help you sharpen the tools that are already present within you so that you never stop showing up and being seen in every endeavor of your life. Please reach out today either by calling (803) 254-9767 or setting up an appointment on our website at